Email form labels not lining up

Hello, I hope this finds you well. I could use some help here:

I am setting up a horizontal newsletter section to go on all site pages using the email form x extension. Please see the email form , scroll all the way to the bottom of the page (the top is the mailchimp embed I am not going to use if I can make email forms extension work). If you look you will see the submit/join button is not lining up with the email input label… can you help me with that?

Also, the you tube link at the top of the page, is showing a white line… any suggestions there?
I really appreciate your help!

I am good with the email form - just the you tube white line help would be awesome : )

Hello Simone,

Thanks for writing in!

Please check out this old thread instead:

You may need to increase the maximum width of the email form in your settings to at least 600 pixels.

Best Regards.

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