Double headers on site how can i fix this

Hello There,

We still cannot log in.

In the meantime, ​we recommend that you increase your memory allocated to PHP. To increase it, please edit your wp-config.php file and insert these lines:

define( 'WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '256M' );
define( 'WP_MAX_MEMORY_LIMIT', '512M' );

You can add it before the line
/*That's all, stop editing! Happy Blogging. */

We would loved to know if this has work for you. Thank you.

I was able to add those lines. in terms of the login info, i think I might have found the correct login i added it to the secure note.

Hello There,

The login is still incorrect.

Please create another username/password to make it easier and for faster resolution of this issue.

And by the way, I noticed that you are using CloudFlare. Please login to your CloudFlare account and purge your site. For best results, please make sure that you are using the recommended CloudFlare settings as laid out in this page:

Hope this helps. Please let us know how it goes.

I was able to purge the cache and change the settings. i updated the password in the secure note

Hi there,

I’m able to log in now, for clarification, are you referring to header( as in masthead ) or is it headlines? I checked and I don’t see doubled headlines anymore. Plus, your site is served through CloudFlare and any change you made will not take effect in real time. Could you check it again this time if there are still double headlines?


I can’t tell. now when i go to my site i see this

Hello There,

Your site is live again. I am seeing this and it appears that the double header issue is already resolve.

Please clear your browser cache or use private browsing mode and test your site again.

It’s working! thank you all so much for all your help!

You’re welcome.

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