CSS not working in FireFox

Hello There,

The ID did not display in the front end. You added a custom class topbanner. Please have your code updated and use this instead:

  .x-section.topbanner .x-container.marginless-columns {
    display: table;
    table-layout: fixed;
  .x-section.topbanner  .x-container.marginless-columns .x-column {
    display: table-cell !important;
    margin-right: 0;
    float: none;
    vertical-align: top;

Please let us know how it goes.

It didnā€™t display probably because I took it out.

So I am a bit confused. If I put this code in the Global CSS what do I put on the page and where? I am using a class called ā€œtopbannerā€ for something else

Hi There,

Please add this to Theme Options > CSS

@media (max-width: 767px) {
	.absolute-bottom {
		position: absolute;
	    padding-bottom: 0 !important;
	    bottom: 0;

Then apply the CLASS absolute-bottom to the column where your text is placed.

The bottom: 0; property is the one that determines how far your text from the bottom edge of the section, adjust that where you see it fits. This CSS code does not affect the desktop view only the mobile (767px screen and below), this code should work on all browsers.

Hope it helps,

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Just tested it out and it works perfectly!

Thank all of you guys for hanging in there with all my issues!


Youā€™re welcome! :slight_smile:

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