Thank you for your response. Thank You, Your description helped us a lot.
Even tough of this we can not get output as desired. We worked with WC Archive in the layout builder. Also tried with the condition such as “Page (Specific)” to display products with All Skin Types in the below page. But we were unable to get list of products with pagination.
Regarding Single Layout, we did not worked too much in this as we are currently interested at the list of products with post meta as archive as you suggested in earlier posts. Though your description helped to get clear information about this.
Regarding use of third party, it can be one option to achieve the required objective. We have already used The Grid plugin instead of Eseential Grid to display products as slider at our Home page.
But currently, please help us to achieve the desired products list along the pagination with post meta, WC Archive and page as you have mentioned in your first paragraph.
Hoping for the solutions.
Thank you and best regards.