Cornerstone won't open any page

Are you getting this error
Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected end of input
on pages that don’t have an Iframe in them, or only on the one with the iframe? Please access
and tell me if you get the same error.

Hi there,

The error is different on that page you have mentioned:

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot assign to read-only property 'contains' of object '[object Array]'

To be able to investigate more I also have to repeat my colleague’s statement. Please kindly move your website to a staging server so that we can easily test the case and follow the troubleshooting steps. We can not do that due to the fact that your website is live.

Thank you for your understanding.

i dont know how to move it. i can copy to a new subdomain I suppose… but i think it would also require setting up a new My Sql database etc - I’m rather foggy on how to do that part. Some midnight when nobody is going to access the site anyway, i propose to 1) rename the Plugins folder so that all plugins are disbled, and 2) rip out all custom CSS and JS out of Customizer 3) clear cache and 4) see if I can get into Cornerstone… 5) If it still doesn’t work, since it seems you folks are on the other side of the globe anyway (your working hours seem to be basically my night hours) I grant permission to go ahead and do the testing on the live site (assuming that there is no danger of the site getting more corrupted in that process)

Hi Leanna,

It’s best to create a staging that way there is no risk of breaking your live site.

You can use this third party plugin to create one.


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