Cornerstone issue "The preview could not load due to the iframe response being incomplete. This is most often related to a plugin conflict, or customizations introducing a PHP error."

So to clarify, I just did this:

  1. Try to edit “home” with cornerstone. I get an error message.
  2. Copy “Home” to “Home copy”. I can edit “Home copy” but can’t edit “Home”.
  3. Make “Home copy” my home page. I can’t edit “Home copy” but now I can edit “Home”.
  4. Revert home page back to “Home”. I can edit “Home copy” but can’t edit “Home”.

This all with Weglot plugin activated.When Weglot de-activated, no problem at all.

Conclusion: Cornerstone generates an error when I try to edit my home page with Weglot activated, no matter what the home page is.

Hi Paul,

It’s because of this option

I went ahead and turned it off, the home page is now loading in the builder.


Hi Rad,
You did an excellent job and indeed, this is the cause of the problem.
This option redirects the user to the home page in the right language.
In Weglot, my default language is Dutch. Weglot translates everthing to English. For whatever reason I think my browser language was changed from Dutch to English. Because of this, when trying to edit the home page in Cornerstone, Weglot tried to load the English version of the page, but WP/Cornerstone only contains the Dutch pages.
When I switched my Ipad language from Dutch to English, all of a sudden I had the error on my Ipad too.
When I switched my browser language on my Windows PC from English to Dutch, I didn’t have the problem any more.
So to summarise: editing a WP site with Cornerstone and Weglot only works correctly, if the browser language is set to the default language of Weglot.
Once again, thank you very much!


You’re most welcome Paul!

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