Cornerstone 5.1.5 not working

That what i see ind console:

Uncaught (in promise) DOMException: Failed to construct ‘Worker’: Script at ‘’ cannot be accessed from origin ‘’.
at i (

Hi @eryk,

Thanks for reaching out. Are you using a CDN or a service to offload assets to that static subdomain. The worker script helps us do a couple of more intensive tasks in the background to avoid lag in the UI. For security reasons browsers insist that worked load from the same domain as the URL you are currently on. You may just need to whitelist that particular script to ensure it always loads from the original domain.

Yes, i use a static domain for images by define it in wp-config.php as WP_CONTENT_URL and defining COOKIE_DOMAIN.

How to whitelist that script?

Hey @eryk,

You will need to contact your web host for that as that is a server setting and it varies from server to server.


I’ve run self managed server, i run wordpress on apache+php (lsphp) are you know how to help in this scenario. Previous Cornerstone version runs fine.

Edit: I know i need to add CORS Access-Control-Allow-Origin rules to my domain, but i don’t know how.

Edit 2:

<IfModule mod_headers.c>
  <FilesMatch "\.(ttf|ttc|otf|eot|woff|woff2|font.css|css|js)$">
    Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*"

I try it but failed this is part of my .htaccess file

Can you help me, beacuse server web admin sent me back to you (app creator)?

I am having the exact same problem. Started after updating to version 5.1.5… if there’s not a fix, is there a way to go back to the previous version? Here are screenshots from my error.

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Also, I am not using a CDN or any other caching mechanism. I am running NGINX on Centos 7. Happy to provide more details to get this fixed or otherwise I need a way to revert to the previous version.

Hi @eryk,

I’ve checked into this and found a way to allow the builder to safely load the worker from a cross domain origins. This fix will be in the next release.


From the looks of your screenshot I think you are experiencing a different root issue, although it would present similar symptoms. If you don’t mind opening up a new thread and adding login credentials in secure note we can check out what’s going on there.

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