Can't select elements in X

SOLVED guys! I was able to update wordpress, X and all the plugins without having any problems. Seems that the problem occurred due to WPML. Thanks so much for your time! You are precious :heart:

You are most welcome, @dcheese

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When I wrote my last post I was referring to the staging website, which works as it should. But when I moved it to the production website, the problem is still the same: the pages are not correctly editable. In the error log, when I open a page in cornerstone and try to edit it, appears the message in secure note. Any advice?

Hey @dcheese,

Please contact your web host or server administrator to enable gzdecode support. If your web host cannot support gzdecode, regretfully, you need to move to a different host. Our products work well on popular web hosts.

By the way, I previously asked about some history of your site to give us more context on the issue. Also, I asked for FTP credentials. It looks like that can’t be provided so the only option now is to move to a different host.

If you do decide to migrate or move, you can follow the instruction here:


Hello @christian. All my webstites are on that hosting provider, and all of them use X or PRO.
The unique difference from other websites on the same hosting is the choosed plan: it has only 256MB of memory limit allowed. Hcrosal is an old website, made with X, and it’s migrated from another hosting to the actual this year. It never had any problems.
Tomorrow I’ll speak again with my hosting provider to better understand if gzdecode is disabled only on the basic plan. If yes, this could be the problem.
I’ll let you know. Thank you: pray:

Hey @dcheese,

Thanks for that info.

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