I need some help with tweaking the code to show a revolution slider on the blog-homepage.
This is the code that works for X (not for Pro) and goes into /pro-child/framework/view/renew/wp-header.php.
How should this could be tweaked that it will work?
// =============================================================================
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Header output for Integrity.
// =============================================================================
<?php x_get_view( 'global', '_header' ); ?>
<?php x_get_view( 'global', '_slider-above' ); ?>
<header class="<?php x_masthead_class(); ?>" role="banner">
<?php x_get_view( 'global', '_topbar' ); ?>
<?php x_get_view( 'global', '_navbar' ); ?>
<?php x_get_view( 'integrity', '_breadcrumbs' ); ?>
if ( is_home() ) {
echo '<div class="x-slider-revolution-container below">';
echo do_shortcode( '[rev_slider alias="homepage"]' );
echo '</div>';
<?php x_get_view( 'global', '_slider-below' ); ?>
<?php x_get_view( 'integrity', '_landmark-header' ); ?>