ACF License

It’s currently only setup for defining the license key like so in a child theme. Let us know if that works for you.

define('ACF_PRO_LICENSE', 'your-license-key');

Well, it just get weirder: I’ve been able to update ACF on several websites were there is no child-theme nor license key is installed, and updated tot the latest ACF version. Pro is on 6.4.20.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m happy it works, which saves me going through about 20 websites and entering a license key through a child-theme, but this is not how it should work, right?

You probably updated to what ACF version we are hosting for you and not using your own license key.

It sounds like your updates are being cached aggressively.

/wp-admin/update-core.php?force-check If you add ?force-check to the updates screen it will force check from various plugin APIs. I’d try that next time you try adding your license key to your child theme.

Let us know if this helps and have a great day.

Hi @charlie,
if updates where to be cached, which sounds understandable, shouldn’t that be happening for every plugin? That is not the case; it only happens on ACF.
I’ve tried ?force-check on website where the license is added through the child-theme, but no updates show up unfortunately. But there actually is an update: the website runs while the latest release is

ACF support also replied. I’ve copied their response in a secure note.

Basically, it looks like some theme code is blocking the ACF updates coming through. I suggest giving users options on this, through Theme Settings. Default: ‘Receive ACF updates when tested by’, and whenever a user switches to ‘Receive ACF updates as soon as available’, they are asked to input a license key.
Technically the code that prevents ACF Updates to come through, would have to be changed to be executed only when the first, default, option is selected.

Can you send me a site to look? If you’ve defined the license key you in a child theme should see updates from the ACF end. Maybe there’s something wrong there.

I’ll share a credentials in a secure note. The website mentioned has the license key added through functions.php in the child-theme. Although i’m still arguing for a more user-friendly solution in the long run. But for now, I hope we can get this fixed through a Child Theme.

So the child theme isn’t enabled on those sites. If that isn’t the problem, can you enable child theme and the theme file editor for one of those sites so I can see the code in the child theme? Have a great day.

Okay that’s foolish. I just edited the child-theme’s through FTP, and assumed they were active. Never checked that they really were. Just activated, and hope the fix was this simply. If so, I’m going to apologize :wink:

No worries. The first site is already running the latest version of ACF, but if you don’t see an update when they update next why don’t you reach out to me and I’ll see what’s up with your Child theme.

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