ACF Bidirectional Posts

I’ve got a CPT that I’m trying to develop an archive page for. It’s essentially a glossary. Using ACF I added a “see also” field which is a bi-directional relationship field.

On the archive page all the posts come in as expected.

For the display of the ACF I added a DIV with a dynamic content looper provider ({{dc:acf:post_field field=“term_see_also”}})

Within the text where I want these other terms to show up I added {{dc:post:meta key=“term_see_also”}}

What I get back are the post ID’s and not the other post title

I’ve tried changing the ACF Return Format to both Post Object and Post ID but it didn’t make a difference

I switched the ACF filed type from a Relationship to a Text field and it worked as I expected it would.

I also reviewed another project where I have something similar but on a single template and not an archive and that page works, so I’m a bit stumped as to what I’m missing for this archive.

Hey @dabigcheeze,

Thanks for reaching out!

I suggest that you check this thread about ACF bidirectional and let us know how it goes.

ACF Pro Bi-Directional Updates

Thank you.

This did not do anything as far as I can tell.

Hello @dabigcheeze,

Your Looper Provider Dynamic Content should be using {{dc:acf:post_field field="term_see_also"}}:
Screenshot 2023-08-26 at 8.45.54 AM

And then you can access the title and contents using the {{dc:post:title}} and {{dc:post:the_excerpt}}.

Check out the demo I have made for you.

Best Regards.

I swear I had this exact same thing as I noted in my earlier post, but regardless, thank you!

You are most welcome @dabigcheeze

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