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  • #253882


    Hey guys,

    Dumb question.

    I can’t find the options to change the heading sizes. I’m looking for something like this:
    Heading font options

    Bear in mind: On Ethos stack 1 the h2 heading is almost twice the size of the page/post title, which doesn’t make much sense. On your demo you had to use an h5 as a subtitle…

    Thank you for your time guys 🙂



    Hi there,

    please use bundled version of visual composer.
    Please click on pencil icon to edit custom/featured headline , scroll down and add font-size:15px; in style file of shortcode.

    Dallas Commercial Photography

    Hope it helps.



    Hi there!

    I don’t use the Visual Composer. Would this be a global change, or do I need to make these changes on every individual post?

    If it’s a global change, where do I make these changes? I just installed the Visual Composer Extension, but can’t find the Custom Headline Settings, only the plugin Settings.

    If it’s not a global change, how do I make one? I want to configure all heading sizes for the site (globally). Usually on other wordpress themes you just change this from a general options panel. In the customizer I found an option to change the headings’ color, but strangely not the other attributes for each heading.

    Not sure if I’m able to explain correctly what I’m looking for, sorry. :/

    Thnaks for the quick response! 🙂



    Hi There,
    Thanks for writing in!
    Try adding following CSS under Appearance > Customize > Custom > CSS:

    h1, .h1 {
    font-size: 28px;
    h2, .h2 {
    font-size: 24px;
    h3, .h3 {
    font-size: 20px;
    h4, .h4 {
    font-size: 18px;

    Hope it helps.



    Guys, cmon! You took 3 minutes to respond! You had me waiting all that time?! 😛

    Kidding! That has to be the fastest support response I’ve ever had.

    The custom CSS worked perfectly. Thank you very much! 🙂

    This is solved for me. 🙂

    Thank you for your great, flash-fast support guys!

    PS: Let me humbly suggest that maybe some dummy-friendly options to change the heading fonts (like the image on my first post) could be beneficial to future not-that-tech-savvy customers (like myself). 🙂 just a thought.

    Thanks again!!



    We certainly appreciate the feedback! This is something we can add to our list of feature requests. This way it can be taken into consideration for future development. All of these items are discussed with our team internally and prioritized based on the amount of interest a particular feature might receive. Thanks!



    Hi again. Thanks for the custom css.

    Like themer, I can’t see the headline options in my visual composer anywhere, front or back end.
    Is it supposed to appear if I hover over the title?




    Hi there,

    Is this your URL ?

    Please open a new topic and provide us with URL of page in question and login credentials.
