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  • #1316490


    How to replace Ethos 1 default category layout with a Grid plugin layout skin I made?

    I’m trying to customize the template for the archive page – The default category page in ethos 1 is what I am trying to customize. An example of the page I want to change is the default category page shown in this link: Demo Ethos 1 Category page .

    I Want to make the category page look like a skin I made in the grid builder with the Grid plugin that comes with X. I named the custom skin “Lima category grid”.

    I went to index.php under framework/views/global/, and added that to my child theme under the same path. But I dont understand what line in I am supposed to replace with the following php :

    The_Grid('Lima category grid', true); // where true is for template mode

    * I got that code from!/grid_as_template



    Hey there,

    Thanks for writing in! Regretfully, this particular customization request is outside the scope of our support as this is not related to an issue with the theme and instead has to do with your customization of it. As such, you will need to investigate this particular issue on your own or seek help from a developer should you not feel comfortable making these changes yourself. If you have any further questions about the theme, we are more than happy to provide you with assistance on these inquiries.

    Thank you for your understanding.



    To help anyone who has the same question, I solved how to do this and wrote my steps, which can be read here:



    Thanks for sharing.