Xpro, image fade


I can’t find this answer for xpro users, but i remember in cornerstone there used to be directions to pick which way you want an image to fade/slide in. I’ve looked at the image level, the section, and column and i can’t figure out how to do this anymore…

are you able to show me a screenshot of how I get an image to slide into position?

Thanks a ton!

Hi @fxground,

Thank you for reaching out to us. I believe you’re looking for column animation. To turn on the column’s fade-in effect, first click on the cog icon on the settings area then enable the Advanced Mode option.

Now go to your column’s settings in Cornerstone and turn on the Fade In Effect (see screenshot)

Then you can choose the Duration and Animation type of your column. Add an image element in your animated column to have fade effect on an image element.

Hope this helps!

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