X-PRO - Different colors on drop-down from main menu?

Have just purchased Pro, becasue I want to be able to edit the top bar in a more advanced way. Have looked at the introduction movies but I can’t find what I am looking for. I’l like to click on a Top menu item and then get a drop-down with different pages THAT would have different colors. How do I do that? The baground of the dropdown page selection should be blue, red, black etc, with white or black text inside


To achieve that, you can add a class to your parent menu item.

Then use that class to add background color to your submenu.

eg. Add this in Theme Options > CSS

.blue-bg .sub-menu {

Do the same for other menus.

Hope this helps

Thanks for the answer, yes it is working for sub-menu as I tried out what you suggested. But I’d like if possible each sub-menu has it’s own colors. What is the CSS code for that? I tried to remove sub, but it didn’t work… Thanx

Hi Eide,

You can enhance the given CSS and use your own class selector, example,

.blue-bg .sub-menu {
.green-bg .sub-menu {
.red-bg .sub-menu {

Then you can simply add blue-bg, green-bg, or red-bg as provided in the screenshot. You have to add it on top level menu item’s class (parent menu).


Thanx for the answer. Sorry, I still don’t understand. As the picture shows, the whole list of pages turns red as I specify sub-menu on the parent. I’d like, if possible to get all sub-menus with different colors, red for nanofrac, blue for the next page, nanolace.
Thanx again


In that case, you need to add a class to each submenu item and not the parent menu.

For example, add class nanofrac to your nanofrac submenu then add color to it using the code below.

.nanofrac {

Next add nanolace class to your nanolace submenu, then add the code below

.nanolace {

Do the same for other submenu items.

Hope that makes sense

Thank you so much, now the background colors can be change for each sub-menu, that was easy. Now the problem I have I need to change the text color of the sub-menu to white (As black background does not show white text). I don’t want to change all menu-items text in the overall settings, just the text in the colored sub-menus. Have been trying for a while but don’t find the proper CSS. Can you please help me? Thanks

Hello Eide,

Thanks for updating the thread.

In the previous threads wherein my colleagues suggested you to assign class to submenus, you just need to add CSS color property.

. nanofrac a {
    color: #ddd !important;


That is the easy answer I was looking for - IT IS WORKING. But now the hover changes. So can I just add a:hover and change that as well? Thanks again you are great!

I actually solved it by adding extra CSS, maybe you can do it in an easier way (See beneath)? anyway !important was a must to have, as it didn’t work on the mobile without (it just got white) :
.nanofrac a {
background:red !important;
color: white !important;
font-weight: bold;
padding: 8px 10px !important;
border: solid 1px #0c0c0c !important;
.nanofrac a:hover {
background:white !important;
color: black !important;
font-weight: bold;
padding: 8px 10px !important;
border: solid 1px #0c0c0c !important;

Thanks again for your support!

Hi Eide,

I have tested your mobile menu and it seems to be functioning properly now.

Make sure to purge full cache before testing (https://www.wpbeginner.com/beginners-guide/how-to-clear-your-cache-in-wordpress/).


I tried this on my website and it did not work at all. My drop down menu buttons have white text on white backgrounds.

Hi @Ekpebu,

Thank you for reaching out to us. Can you please create a new thread with your site link so we can take a look? Posting on someone else’s thread create lot of confusion and slows down the response time. For faster response we encourage users to create a new ticket. In that regards I request you to please create a new ticket and someone from support team will take a look. For more details please take a look at our support handbook.

Thank you!

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