WPML - Language switcher

Hi there.
I reached out to WPML and they said I’m better off with the language switcher provided by the theme developers. I see the language switcher is on the widgets page. Can you tell how I add the switcher onto my header?

Hi There @giusep71

Thanks for writing in! You can enable Topbar by head over to X -> Theme Options -> Header -> Miscellaneous area.

Then you need to setup a child theme and activate it by following this guide (https://theme.co/apex/forum/t/setup-how-to-setup-child-themes/57).

Finally, you can refer to the following post (https://theme.co/apex/forum/t/wpml-language-switcher-position-at-topbar/52894/2?u=mldarshana) and implement your language switcher accordingly.

Hope that helps.

I’m using pro and the path Theme Options -> Header -> Miscellaneous area does lead me here:


Hi There @giusep71

If you’re using Pro header builder, you can place a Widget Area element in your header and then add your WPML language switcher widget there.

The other option would be to place WPML language switcher shortcode using a Text element. You can refer to the following resource for more information (https://wpml.org/documentation/support/wpml-coding-api/shortcodes/).

Hope that helps.

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