WooCommerce outdated php template files

What is the most efficient way to fix this problem? TrustWave PCI Compliance sees this as a security issue:
Please see screenshot https://prnt.sc/lpvbfp


Please note that the latest supported version of woocommerce is Version 3.5.1
I checked and you have version 3.5.2 installed. Please roll back to that version.


For future reference, kindly check our version compatibility page and changelog first before updating anything.



hi Paul,
I have the same problem. How exactly do I ‘roll back to the latest version’ of WooCommerce? Just replace the entire current folder with the downloaded folder of the 3.5.1 version? Thanks.

Hello Robert,

Thanks for updating this thread. What you are seeing is the WooCommerce template notices. The template notices don’t actually cause any bugs or issues. The version of those template files just needs to be updated which our developers is already working on it. This notices will be removed when we roll out our next release update cycle anytime soon.

Please bear with us and Thank you for your understanding.

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