Woo commerce reporting template problems in child theme

This is a copy of the WP generated report. Pls let me know what to do.



WordPress Environment

WC Version: 3.1.0
Log Directory Writable: :heavy_check_mark:
WP Version: 4.7.3
WP Multisite: –
WP Memory Limit: 512 MB
WP Debug Mode: –
WP Cron: :heavy_check_mark:
Language: en_US

YOUR FORUM SYSTEM IS NOT LETTING ME POST THE REST. How do i submit the full posting?


Please check your theme and plugins versions and make sure it’s compatible.


Woo commerce issued an update, which I accepted (to Version 3.1.). Apparently X only supports up to 3.0.3. I don’t know how to revert. What should I do? should I just wait for the next x update? THANKS

Hello There,

Please deactivate WooCommerce 3.1. You will have to revert to version 3.0.3. You can download the previous version from here: https://wordpress.org/plugins/woocommerce/advanced/

By the way, our development team is already fixing the issue. This will be resolved when we roll out our next update release which will be out soon. Please watch out for it.

Thank you for your understanding.

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Will your next update support WooCommerce latest version 3.1? And when will it be out? Days or weeks?


Hi there,

Regretfully, we don’t have a date yet but rest assured that this has been forwarded to our web development team and they are working to address it as quickly as possible.

Thank you for understanding!

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