Woo commerce product image sizes - i give up

hello - i upoaded all my images the same size - 300x300 - but for some reason, i have been trying for months to get woocomerce to display the images the same size -

i found out how to get the control back on woocommerce settings display - and set the image and category size to 180x180 - and i ticked the hard crop - and i did regenerate thumbnails - but the result is unchanged -

this link shows what im trying to fix - please please help me - im giving up - i just cant understnad why it should be so difficult to fix.


Hello There,

Thanks for writing in! I have updated your X theme to 5.1.1. And I also disabled Photon module because it does have some pros and cons. For more information, you can check it here: https://developer.wordpress.com/docs/photon/

The most common setting for the WooCommerce product images is this:

Catalog  : 300x300
Single   : 600x600
Thumbnail: 100x100

Please change your image dimensions and regenerate the thumbs.

Please let us know how it goes.

Hi there - sorry im not understanding - and my shop still looks a mess… - where do i have to change the setting - because in woocommerce settings - display does not show and directs me to xtheme customizer . . so i tried different options - but nothing does the job as i need . . all im asking for is for the images to all look the same size - so the shop browsing looks nice -

it does not . .look anything like i need it to look -

www.nailcrazy.com - thanks

Hi Andrew,

When you run the Regenerate Thumbnail plugin did it finish? Because I am still seeing this on the dashboard.

Thumbnail regeneration is running in the background. Depending on the amount of images in your store this may take a while.

It could be true that the regeneration process is still running in background and it still not finish or It is possible that Regenerate Thumbnail is not actually running for some reason and just showing this notice.

Anyways, contrary to what you said in your first post, not all your images are uploaded as 300x300, take a look at the images I linked below, those are the images with odd size on your category page, this image was not cropped but stretch in the front-end (you can’t crop an image to 300px, if its width is smaller than 300px). And uploading the images as 300x300 or smaller is a mistake, WooCommerce recommend at-least 800x800 or higher.
