Will Responsive Editing features going to be implemented soon?

I have few licenses with Themeco and love it. But one thing is lacking so far is responsive editing features. Would love to see that implemented vs having to css everything. Is this feature on the roadmap?

I like the simplicity of responsive editing provided by Elementor page builder. See https://docs.elementor.com/article/68-mobile-editing. Something similar would be nice. :slight_smile:

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Hi there,

Thank you for your feature request. We will inform our development team regarding the feature request, we basically took the approach of the automatic setup of the mobile view by carefully designing our CSS code and also introducing the responsive text functionalities and new Font Manager responsive features is a way to go regarding new trends of the responsive world.

Meanwhile having few manual options here and there for mobile is indeed a good idea.

Rest assured that our development team will be informed regarding this Feature Request and if needed they will implement something of that nature.

Thank for taking time and writing to us.