When being displayed on a widescreen, some elements are no longer full width

So I was checking my website on my desktop to see how it would look on a bigger screen and noticed that some elements are no longer full width.

So I was wondering if I could get some help solving this issue.

Hi there,

Thanks for writing in.

Would you mind providing your site’s URL with this issue? Maybe it’s due to background size, or max-width (but it should be centered if that’s the case), or a sidebar.



but an example of where it’s happening can be found at

Hi there,

The image that you used 1484 pixels wide and it will not get bigger than that for larger screens as it will lose the quality of the photo.

You can force the image to be always in the center of the screen by going to the Column option of the section which you added the image and set the Text Align to be centered.

Not related to this thread but you are using a very old version of the Theme with a new version of teh Cornerstone which they are not compatible.

Please backup your website completely and update the theme to version 5.2.5.

The version 6 of the theme will be available in 2 days. Thank you.

Our fullwidth setting changed over night, we had a 4 column gallery that has changed to 3 column. We have not changed any settings on our end. Screenshot at https://prnt.sc/imopml
How might we remedy this situation, after the automated theme update?

If I’m running a child theme I just update the main theme right?

So I updated the theme but know there is a grey bar offset on the right side on some of the pages.
Grey bar:
No grey bar:

EDIT: figured it out, I put this in global css to fix it:
.x-root .site, .x-root .x-site{
min-width: 100vh;

Hi there,

Glad it’s working now, but I checked and I don’t see that CSS being implemented. Plus, those pages don’t have any issue from my end.

Perhaps it’s just a cache?


I figured out that I actually didn’t need that code and just had to delete some old css on the certain pages that there was an issue. I had the code .right{ position: relative; } for some reason and deleting that fixed my problem.


Glad to know you were able to figure it out.

Have a nice day! :slight_smile:

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