Video Lightbox


We have a button on THIS PAGE at the very top labled “watch video” that opens a light box which plays a video. When you select the “full screen” button in the bottom corner it doesn’t make the video full screen. Could any help in what the issue might be.

Here is the code that we used.

[button class=“btn-lightbox x-btn-square” href=“” title=“Tespo Vitamins” size=“x-btn-large”
lightbox_video=“true”]Watch Video[lightbox selector=”.btn-lightbox"][/button]


Hi There,

Thank you for writing in, I did checked your site and video full-screen works (

Please clarify how we can replicate the issue.

Also try clearing your browser’s cache.


I think that it is not working for you. When you click on the “full screen” icon it shows you the page full screen not the actual video.

I am using chrome and I have cleared my cache several times and it never worked. Could you confirm that when the click “full screen” that it makes the video full screen?


Hi There,

Sorry I was quick to reply, the fact that your very own shortcode works (fullscreen) on my testing site and on your site the audio remains when you fullscreen. Please update your shortcode to this:

[x_button class="btn-lightbox x-btn-square" href="" title="Tespo Vitamins" size="x-btn-large" lightbox_video="true"]Watch Video[/x_button]
[lightbox selector=".btn-lightbox"]

If that does not work still, please do a testing for a plugin conflict. You can do this by deactivating all third party plugins, and seeing if the problem remains. If it’s fixed, you’ll know a plugin caused the problem, and you can narrow down which one by reactivating them one at a time.

Let us know how it goes,


That didn’t seem to work. It must be a plugin issue. I will do some testing. Thank you!

Let us know how it goes.

Thank you