Variations cannot be chosen

New product listings are not working correctly. When you try and add a variation product it just says ‘Please select some product options’.
Yet this is not the case on much older products that still work correctly.
This has to be a Xtheme issue as I have tried everything for nearly four days only to find out that disappointingly when I change to any other theme the problem no longer exists!

This is a serious problem, let alone the hateful way the products now display with Pro and the new X themes.

Hey There,

Please make sure the version of the WooCommerce plugin is 3.1.1


It was not functioning on that version either. I have tried every variation and option with full site restores from 30 days ago.
This is a theme problem!
I have had to purchase Flatsome theme to get the site back working until Xtheme decide to spend more time on WooCommerce interaction. I did not appreciate having to spend all that money. I have 5 licences with you!

I look forward to your template updates.

Hi, there,

On a local Pro install, I was able to create attributes and setup variations for both old and new products.

Would you mind to send WP credentials and point out some product that you’re unable to handle?
