Validate Cornerstone license key

Continuing the discussion from Theme not validating, Cornerstone has no validation option:

You were correct about the data being corrupted. The characters were unescaped inside postmeta table _cornerstone_data row.

so I took the following steps:
1- restored fully functional backup from 7th January
2- cloned the website to staging /dev2
3- updated manually cornerstone on /dev2 (manual update via FTP as described here
4- cornerstone is working and all elements show - manual update successful
5- tried to re-enter license key - didn’t work - and now cornerstone doesn’t open…

I still cannot validate cornerstone, please help

Hi Matt,

Thanks for writing in!

I can see you have updated cornerstone but not the theme.
Please update the Theme to avoid compatibility issue and you will able to validate the site.
Please follow the manual update process like cornerstone you have already done.


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This worked, Awesome!

There is just one problem, the theme settings seem to got lost. At least for the typography I see this issue…

Before update:
After update:

Hi Matt,

Upon checking, I see that you’re using CloudFlare on your site. After an update, you also need to clear CloudFlare cache by login into your CloudFlare account. Also under Speed tab of CloudFlare, you can disable CSS/JavsScript minifications as well temporarily and test your issue further.

When testing again, make sure to clear all cache by following this guide (

Hope that helps.

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