Using Custom Fonts

I would like to utilize a custom font (Avenir) on my site and have been able to do so using the Style portion of the page.
What I am asking is, “How do I enable this custom font to be selected under Theme Options (like the System Fonts and Google Fonts)?”
Or better yet, “How do I get it to appear under the Font Manager (when it is fixed and working properly)?”

It seems pretty silly (and a PITA) to have to manually do this for all pages.

Thx for any reply (but please do not use the generic response of “This is outside the scope…”)

Hi There,

Sorry but this will require a custom development and yes it is outside of the support that we can offer.

You might want to apply the font as the body font with custom CSS instead.

body, input, button, select, textarea {
	font-family: "font name",sans-serif !important;

This way it’ll be applied on the body and be inherited by the child elements (given that the child elements has no specific font-family applied on it).


Thank you for the reply. I will try your suggestion ASAP.
Could you please put this on the “wish-list” of upcoming features to be included in a future update … ?

Hey There,

We will surely add your suggestion to our ‘To Do’ list.


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