Upgrading to Pro Question

I have read everything on this article and the “how to” as well… but I still have a question.

Why am I being charged $20 to upgrade to pro when I just purchased this last month, still do not even have my website up and it says…
“As long as you registered your X license prior to the launch of Pro, you can convert your license at no additional charge.”
I did register last month or so, so why the charge?

Also it says…
“If you aren’t upgrading from X 4.6.4, you should first update to the latest version of X and then proceed to update to Pro.”
How do I tell what version I have?

Also in my dashboard it says…
“WordPress 4.9.1 is available! Please update now.”
Do I need to do this first?

And lastly is it even necessary for me to upgrade? I mean I almost have my site done and I am wondering why bother? It does seem though that Pro is streamlined and better so there is that reason. Here is my website, what is the best way to back it up before the update and will updating to pro change the look? It is Xtheme Integrity


Hello There,

Thanks for writing in!

1.) Why am I being charged $20 to upgrade to pro when I just purchased this last month, still do not even have my website up and it says…
“As long as you registered your X license prior to the launch of Pro, you can convert your license at no additional charge.”
I did register last month or so, so why the charge?

2.) How do I tell what version I have?

  • Please go to X > Overview and you will see that you are using X 5.1.1 and the latest version is 5.2.5. If you want to update everything, please go to Dashboard > Updates. You can see the themes and plugins that needs to be updated.

3.) Do I need to do this first?

  • Yes you may update WordPress to 4.9.1 as well. You may update WordPress first then the theme and plugins.

4.) X theme can be used for set up a site out of the box. This is helpful for beginners and intermediate users. Pro is more of custom way of setting up a site. It has a header and footer builder. Pro theme is recommended to intermediate users and advanced users usually designers and developers which may want to take X the next level by customizing the contents, header and footers.

Hope this helps.

Perfect! Once again RueNel you have answered all my questions succinctly :wink:

You’re welcome/

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