Upgrade X to Pro Theme

Hi there,

This may be a basic question. I’m planning to upgrade my current X License to Pro. As I have read, the license has to be either X or Pro. Does this mean if I complete the upgrade and then install the Pro theme on my testing environment, the live site (still using the X theme) will be impacted in the meantime? Or will the live site not be impacted until I install the Pro theme there also?

I’m just conscious I may need some time to work through any issues in the testing environment and I don’t fully understand how the upgrade to Pro will effect the live site currently on the X License.


Hi Tim,

Thank you for writing in, if the version of your X and the PRO that you’ll install is in the same timeline version, then there should be no problem. Basically, if you have the latest version of X and install the latest version of PRO then that should go fine.

No, if your testing environment and live site are different Wordpress install, then your live site should not be affected.

Hope this shed some lights,

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