Update X Theme

I just received a notice from Themeco that there is an update available for the X Theme.
I thought these updates were automatic and I did not have to manually update. Is automatic update available and I missed doing a required task?

When I manually update the theme is it correct that I apply the update to the child theme which is active? Is there a speciall update if I am using the child theme or just update using the one update?

Thank you

Hi Bill,

You only have to update parent X theme. However if you have edited template files through child theme, you will need to compare those files with parent theme’s related files to see if there’s any code updates. You can use a Diff tool for that (for example KDiff).

If you have missed some major updates, the update process may not be initialized. In that case, you will have to update manually for once (https://theme.co/apex/forum/t/setup-updating-your-themes-and-plugins/62).

Hope that helps.

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