
Will doing this mess up my website at all? I moved my site from godaddy to bluehost. Everything appears okay with the site, I just need to make some minor adjustments. However, I cannot make those adjustments at all. When I open Cornerstone, it’s crazy messy. I mean, the whole thing is broken. When in Wordpress dashboard, and I click on “X” everything is jumbled around in it too.

I’m thinking I just need to uninstall/reinstall. But I just want to make sure my theme setup will be the same if I reinstall.

Hi There,

Thank you for writing in, in this case, reinstalling the theme should be your last resort. First, please confirm that you are fully updated? (Theme, Cornerstone, and Plugins)

You can find the latest version numbers here, then you can compare them to what’s installed on your site.

If you find anything to be out of date, you can review our update guide.

Also, if you have any caching plugins/feature, please forge/clear it so that the code from the latest release is always in use. This will help you to avoid any potential errors.

To answer your question, it’s safer if you reinstall the theme using the Manual X Update Via FTP guide provided in that article above.

Let us know how it goes,

Theme, cornerstone, plugins and wordpress are all up to date. Attached is a screenshot of how my cornerstone looks on every page I try to edit. When I have my site up, every page looks correct so far except for the home page. Titles are showing, every layer is showing even though some shouldn’t show on desktop and some shouldn’t show on mobile, but right now everything shows.

www.steffenharris.com is the site

I looked at my site, and I have the X Theme 6.2.5, but I saw that I have a Pro license. Should I install Pro instead?

Hello @steffenharris,

Thanks for updating the thread.

Looks like you have upgraded the licence from X to Pro. In that case you can convert from X Theme to Pro Theme. However, before doing so please try following solutions:

  1. I see that you are using Endurance Page Cache plugin. Please clear cache and see how it goes.
  2. Test for a plugin conflict. You can do this by deactivating all third-party plugins, and see if the problem remains. If it’s fixed, you’ll know a plugin caused the problem, and you can narrow down which one by reactivating them one at a time. I see that you are using Jetpack plugin. Try to deactivate Jetpack and see how it goes.

Before converting from X to Pro, please make sure to take a complete backup of the website. After that please read our X to Pro theme conversion guide:

Let us know how it goes.


Thanks for the info.

I’m not running a cache plugin. However, I did purge all the cache from the wordpress header option.

I tested for plugin conflict, same issues as the attached image.

Updated Pro following those instructions. Problems seem to be fixed now. :slight_smile: Including the messiness of the homepage too.

Thank you for your help!

Glad to hear that. :slight_smile:

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