Uncaught TypeError: window.csGlobal.collapse is not a function?

I’m having an issue on source3media.com, it’s throwing the Uncaught TypeError for x-body.min.js similar to the issue here (https://theme.co/apex/forum/t/uncaught-typeerror-window-csglobal-collapse-is-not-a-function/34610/3) but none of the solutions listed work for me. I have a fully updated website with no incompatibilities.

Hi @hudsoncollective

I’ve checked your website and I can’t see this JS error any where on your site, I’ve checked the browser console on desktop and mobile views, also, I’ve clicked on the menu trigger button and on menu items as well.

Could it be just a browser caching issue? did you try clearing cache and recheck this issue or even trying different browsers?

I would appreciate if you can share some screenshots showing this error message or how to reproduce steps.


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