Unable to edit pages with Pro

Hi Team, I’m unable to edit one of my websites.

I have the following report in the console (Google Chrome)

“Rejecting AJAX promise {invalid_user: true, message: “nonce verification failed.”}”

I have checked over existing posts and found that you’ve suggested PHP Version updates, WordPress Updates, etc. But so far have not had any of them work.

Any ideas?

Domain: Knightstreetmultiage.com.au

Hi There,

Thanks for writing in! In most cases, this error is triggering due to caching related issues. Could you please try purging your server cache and also clear browser cache and test again?

Also it could be due to your Authentication Unique Keys and Salts. In that case you will have to follow this guide (https://www.wpwhitesecurity.com/wordpress-tutorial/wordpress-security-keys/).

Make sure that you have the correct file permission as well (https://www.smashingmagazine.com/2014/05/proper-wordpress-filesystem-permissions-ownerships/).

Let us know how it goes.

Have tried that so far. Any other ideas?

Hi there,

Thank you for the information. To follow up the case we will need to check the case on our own. Would you please kindly give us the information below using the Secure Note:

  • WordPress Dashboard URL
  • WordPress Dashboard User
  • WordPress Dashboard Password
  • the page to test the Pro editor

I also suggest that you check for 3rd party plugins possible conflict by deactivating all plugins and test the case. If the problem is fixed then you need to activate the plugins one by one to find the problematic one.

Thank you.

Find Details Attached.

Hi There,

Thank you for the credentials, have you done a plugin conflict test while your caching plugin is cleared and deactivated? If not, please do.

This error invalid_user: true, message: "nonce verification failed." is more likely related to security. I see a couple of security plugins running on your site, would you mind deactivating those and see if that resolves the issue.

And please confirm to your host that there is no /cornerstone-endpoint uri that is being blocked by the mod_security

And this plugin SJ Cornerstone Addon seems to be a cornerstone addons but was not updated one year ago.


Have done all of that and unfortunately no change, I’ve also completely removed the theme and re-installed. Still having the issue.


We need ftp login details to further check on this. Kindly provide it in Secure Note

For the mean time, can you try adding the code below in your wp-config.php file located at the root directory of your site.

define( 'WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '256M' );
define( 'WP_MAX_MEMORY_LIMIT', '512M' );

You may add it before this line of code

/* That's all, stop editing! Happy blogging. */

Hope that helps

Find Details attached

Hi there,

It’s due to WP Hide plugin, it says there is no file modification so I’m pretty sure that it’s hiding your site by modifying the permalink and URLs. And permalinks and rewrite is one of the sensitive areas of Wordpress. So basically, the logged in session can’t be shared on two URLs and it triggers that error.


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