Typekit endless refreshing

Hi - I’m trying to use a typekit font on my website. I originally tried setting this up with the typekit plugin, however after hitting refresh and loading the fonts (which worked) they still wouldn’t appear in the theme options. So then after reading suggestions to not use that plugin, but rather input the typekit ID at X > theme options > settings > fonts, I hit refresh and it never gets past “refreshing.” Am I doing something wrong?

Thanks in advance for your help!

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Hi There,

Our apologies for the inconvenience. This is a known bug that is already added to the issue tracker. You can check the changelog page on our next release to see if a fix for this issue is included.

Thank you for understanding,

Thank you for posting. I’m having exactly the same issue. Is there a workaround for using Typekit fonts in the meantime?

Same here. Please fix the Typekit issue, really important!

Thank you!

Hi @Trystian @instisc,

Our Dev Team is still working on it, in the meantime, you can load your Typekit font by following the documentation provided here.

You can add the code below on your child theme’s functions.php file to add your typekit link code in the <head> of your site.

function my_typekit () { ?>


<?php }

Replace the <!-- YOUR TYPEKIT CODE HERE --> with your actual code.


Hello @noznewman,

Your functions.php file should look like this:


// =============================================================================
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Overwrite or add your own custom functions to X in this file.
// =============================================================================

// =============================================================================
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
//   01. Enqueue Parent Stylesheet
//   02. Additional Functions
// =============================================================================

// Enqueue Parent Stylesheet
// =============================================================================

add_filter( 'x_enqueue_parent_stylesheet', '__return_true' );

function my_typekit () { ?>


<?php }

Please let us know if this works out for you.

Hey @noznewman,

That is incorrect. You will need to insert the Typekit’s font embed code in there but you inserted your kit ID inside a PHP function instead and that causes a syntax error so WordPress won’t allow you to add that code. If you’ve added the code via FTP, you’re site will not load. You might also want to edit your post remove your screenshot for your security and privacy.

Alternatively, I’d recommend you can try our old Typekit extension for easy setup. For more details and usage instructions, please see https://theme.co/apex/forum/t/extension-typekit/88. Once, the Typekit bug is fixed, you will need to uninstall this Typekit extension as it will not be needed.


The old TypeKit extension doesn’t work either :frowning:

Hey @noznewman.

Sorry about that. I just saw that there were changes on Adobe’s side that broke our Typekit integration.

Please try following the guide in the link below instead:

Once our Typekit integration is fixed, you will need to uninstall the plugin suggested in the guide.


OK thanks - I’ll give this a try.

Hi @noznewman,

An update from our Dev Team, the Typekit integration bug is almost fixed, they are still working on other bugs so we can not provide an ETA when is the release date. You can check our changelog page when we release an update.


Hi everyone,

We’ve released a fix for this issue in today’s update. The problem is that Adobe Fonts recently changed some security settings on their API and requests made directly by our web application were failing. We were able to make some adjustments and perform the API call through the web server (your site). This is more stable in terms of getting a connection to Adobe Fonts, but it could potentially still fail if your server has a firewall that blocks outgoing connections.

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