Trouble with Menu with site that combines single page and multiple page design


I’m building a site that’s mostly single page except there’s a section with about a dozen linkable images that takes you to single pages with video content. The trouble is once we get to the page with the videos the menu on those pages doesn’t work. URL is
For instance if you go to “works” and click on “Godiva” the menu on this page does not work. Can you tell me what I’m doing wrong? Thanks so much. Makoto

Hi there,

Instead of using the relative URL such as #works for the link to the menu, use the absolute URL:

Hope it helps.

Thanks so much, Christopher.

They’re working now!

Glad that we could be of a help :slight_smile:

Hello Christopher,

Hope you’re good. I have a follow up question to the above.
I’m trying to link to a particular section of a different page.
I set up the second set of pages with different sections and id’d all the sections.

Let’s say this second page’s permalink is “”
by adding “/#section id” to the permalink I’m able to navigate to a particular section of the second page but I cannot get the menu to go back to the 1st (Home) page.

Does this have to do with activating the one page menu option in menu customization?

I would really appreciate it if you can help me out. Thank you so much. Makoto


Can you provide us the url of your second page.

Make sure there is no section with ID Home in your second page.


Hi Christopher,

Here’s the url of the second page

I have most of the issues worked out, except

the menu items on the header don’t change on hover. How can I fix that?

Also, should one-page navigation option be turned on or off on either of these pages?

Thank you so much, Makoto.

Hi Makoto,

You need to create two menus under Appearance > Menus

1 - One Page Menu - the menu items links should only have ids

eg. For Work menu item add #WORK as href

This menu is then set as one page menu of your home page

2 - Create Another Menu that has the same menu items but add href as absolute urls

eg. For Work menu item add as href

Then set this menu as primary menu.

Hope that helps

Hello there,

You all have been so helpful. Thank you so much.

I have done what Paul has suggested above. Made two separate menus where one is “one page navigation” . It works fine as I want but the hover function still does not work on the main menu (not the one page menu).

Also I noticed that even though I’ve desinaged “fixed heading” that is not reflected on the second page of the site where the sections of the “one page navigation” resides.

Are these two things related?

The url is

Thank you so much in advance.


I have one another question.

“Under Construction” appears next to the website name on the browser even after refleshing the site. How can I get rid of this? thank you.

Hi There,

On your One Page Menu, I see that you put an absolute link (, please put only the ID of corresponding section prefixed with # symbol (#TESTIMONIAL)

Please deactivate and delete the Under Construction extension.Though this can be happening because the version of X (v4_6_1) and Cornerstone (v2_0_6) that you have is incompatible. The X theme you have is outdated, please update it to latest version (5.1.1)

Updating Your Themes and Plugins


Hello there. Thanks so much for your help, always. I tried doing the last set of suggestions ie 1) changing the links on my one page menu to ID’s of each section instead of absolute links - the result was the links stopped working if they correlated to sections from the other page; 2) updated to the latest version of X Theme and deleted the underconstruction plugin but still showing “underconstruction” on the browser.

FYI, this is a 2 page site. The primary menu corresponds to the main page with a menu item that links to the second (one page) section. I’ve made the items on both pages identical so that while you’re on the second page, you can get back to the main (first) page.
While on the main page, only the menu items from the second page changes color on hover; while when you’re on the second page, only the menu items from the first page activates on hover.

Otherwise the site is functioning the way I want it to.

Is there any other info you need to figure this out?

Thank you so much. Makoto.

Hi There,

I do understand, but I believe you did that when you still set the One Page Menu as your Primary page. Now that you have not set your One Page Menu as primary, please change back the URL to section prefixed with # (e.g. #OUR_WORK), of course you need to exclude the items from the “CLIENTS”. Then do the other way around to your Portfolio menu.

This is the issue, right?


That is happening the first time because you set the One Page Menu as Primary. But now that is happening because you put an absolute link on those items.

The rule of thumb here, is you don’t need to put an absolute link, because you’re already on that page, you just need to point the menu items to its corresponding section. Unless you’re pointing to an external page that is the time you used and absolute link.

Regarding the “Under Construction” on the title, please navigate to Settings > General and change the Tagline

If nothing works still, please provide us login credentials in Secure Note so we can take a closer look.


It’s working now. Thank you so much.

I eliminated all the absolute links from the primary menu; but kept them in the one page menu in order to get back to the pages under the primary menu.

Thanks again. Makoto

You’re always welcome Makoto!
