Transfer licenses to other account

Hi, please move all licenses on this account to Thank you!

Hi David,

That’s no problem. All of the licenses have now been unlocked, allowing them to be re-registered in the other account. All you need to do is go to the Licences page of the other account, then click on Register License here:

Add in your license numbers this way, then you’ll need to add the appropriate URLs against each license here:

Once you’ve done that, all your licenses will be in the new account.

Thanks for building with X and Pro!


This works great for Pro licenses, but when I try to register the X license I get an error message stating that the license already exists for that purchase code.

Hello @DavidHamiltonDesign,

This threaded was started by different user. Although the question is related with licence but most of the time, posting in a thread started by someone else create lot of confusion resulting in slow response time and frustration for users.

It’s my humble request, please create a new ticket and share the relevant details in that along with the URL. Someone from support team will take a look at help you out. For more details please take a look at following article.

Thanks for understanding.

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