Top Bar over Left Bar

Hey Guys,
I use two menu bars in Pro. A top bar and a bar on the Left. Somehow the left bar overlays the top bar. I need to put the top bar over the left. How can I change order of these layers?

I hope you can help me out?

Hey There,

Thanks for writing in! Please edit your custom header and make sure to add a top margin to the left side bar to make room of the top bar.

Hope this make sense.

sorry for the late answer, eastern got my full attention :slight_smile:
I’ve tried to put some top margin on the left sidebar but it only moves the container/content and not the bar itself.

Makes sense but doesnt work out.


Hi Plump,

By default, that is how it works. When there’s a fixed left bar, all content are pushed to right. This is to avoid overlapping. Since you want the opposite, please try EDIT TOP BAR > Customize Tab > Element CSS textfield popup, add the following:

  left: -15em;
  width: calc(100vw);

Then make sure that Z index value value of top bar is greater than z-index value of fixed left bar.

Hope this helps.

Hi Lely,
thank you, now it works like charm :slight_smile:

I always thought the z index is like the layer thing…

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Glad we were able to help :slight_smile:

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