Top Bar and Footer


Please how i can change the fonts of top bar and footer area?


Hi there,

Please add this code in the custom CSS panel:

.x-topbar p,
.x-colophon.bottom .x-colophon-content {
    font-family: 'theFont';

Hope this helps.


Thanks but no any changes please explain me more to understand how i can change the top bar fonts and colour and the footer fonts size and the colour

Hi There,

First, please navigate to X > Launch > Templates > Fonts. This is the area where you’re going to define all the fonts that you’ll be needing on your site.

Fonts Manager

After that navigate to Theme Options > Typography whatever font you assigned to the BODY FONT option, that would be the font that the topbar content and footer content will be using.

If you need the topbar content and footer content to have a different font than on the page content, then you need to add the Custom CSS Jade’s provided above to Theme Options > CSS

.x-topbar p,
.x-colophon.bottom .x-colophon-content {
    font-family: 'font-name', cursive;

Replace the font-name with the actual name of your font.

Hope this shed some lights,

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