Themex - Ethos 2 Stack - Slider issue (not visible) on HomePage

We are currently using the Ethos 2 stack and are trying to place a slider on the homepage. The slider was showing but after some edits were made to the slider, it is no longer appearing on the home page. I have tried setting it both above and below the masthead and it does not show up. I also went in and tried placing the shortcode on the page, no show. It didn’t show up when I used the Slider widget either. There are two similar sliders, “down” and “home” and neither one of them are properly showing up. After doing some searching online, I saw that going into slider settings > problem handlings > troubleshooting should help the issue but it has not been resolved.


Can you confirm that you are fully updated? (Theme and Plugins)

You can find the latest version numbers here: ( Then you can compare them to what’s installed on your site.

If you find anything to be out of date, you can review our update guide.

You could also try testing for a plugin conflict. You can do this by deactivating all third party plugins, and seeing if the problem remains. If it’s fixed, you’ll know a plugin caused the problem, and you can narrow down which one by reactivating them one at a time.

Let us know how it goes!

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