Themeco X - Breadcrumbs with category


Having some trouble with breadcrumbs in the Integrity theme.

How can I have them display as Home > Category 1 > Category 2 > Blog Title

Right now it shows as Home > Post > Blog Title

I’m using Yoast SEO plug-in, most pages have a category and sub category. My permalinks show correctly but not the breadcrumb section.

Thank you

Hey there,

X has its own breadcrumbs x_breadcrumbs() and you need to replace it with Yoast SEO’s breadcrumbs. But, I believe the structure you want (with 2 categories) is not possible with Yoast SEO. Please contact Yoast SEO support for more details on that as well as what code you will replace X breadcrumbs to.

The integration would require custom development which is outside the scope of our support. But, I could point you to the file you need to work on and some guidance on customization.

Please see this tutorial to learn about the best practices in customization.

Now that you know how to customize X, the file you need is _breadcrumbs.php. It’s located in wp-content\themes\x\framework\legacy\cranium\headers\views\stack

We do have an in-house custom development team that offer paid services, who may be able to assist. They can be contacted at if this is of interest to you.


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Worked well, thank you.

Glad we could help.
