Theme Color

I would like to ask if I can change the colors of the Demo Themes Auto or Bamboo.
If yes how?
Auto for example is black and red colored, I want tot change is for my CI.
Same like Bamboo.
Is it possible?

Thank you and Regards


Hi there,

To change the colors after importing the demo content you will need to go to X > Launch > Options.

There you will find set of options to change the colors of different sections of the website. For example, the Layout and Design section is for changing the background.

You have options for buttons and Typography and so on.

Another step is to go to X > Launch > Templates > Colors, to change the main coloring schema of the theme from there.

And the last step will be to go to the pages one by one and check the individual elements and change their colors if there are still cases you see not matching with your desired one.

Thank you.

Thank you very much :slight_smile:
And is there any option please to change the Title in Integrity 3?

In the left upper corner


Hi Alexandra,

You can change that title under Settings > General > Site Title:


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