The Grid Plugin Search Feature Does Not Work

If I restrict the amount of images shown on the initial page load then the search function becomes useless because it only displays images that were contained in that initial page load.

The user is shown a blank search page, and they have to click “Load More” again and again until it reaches a point in the feed where that image would have occurred if there was no limit on the amount of images displayed.

For example…

If I make the initial page load show all images (Source > Item Number > Set it as “-1”) and then do a search for “Sun” it will show all the images that have been tagged as Sun. This works as expected.

But if I restrict the amount of images on the initial page load to “5” images (Source > Item Number > Set it as “5”) and then I do a search for “Sun”, it will show nothing. The images tagged with Sun only appear after you click “Load More” 5 or 6 times because that is the point in the feed where those Sun image appear.

I can’t load all the images on the initial page load because I have thousands of them. Instead I need to give my users a search feature, but at the moment it returns a blank page instead of the requested images. How can I fix that?

Hello @thecashbag,

Thanks for writing in! :slight_smile:

First let us try to delete The Grid from Plugins > Installed Plugins and reinstall it on Validation > Extensions > The Grid.

Then set Item Number to 5.

If you still encounter the same problem, can you share us your Wordpress URL/User/Pass in a Secure Note so we can take a closer look?

Thank you.

I tried deleting and re-installing, it did not change anything.

Logins details are added as secure note.

Hi there,

It’s the limitation of the plugin, the search functionality isn’t processed through ajax, it only works on loaded items. Unfortunately, there is no available workaround for now since this is more core related.


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