The Grid Plugin - Exclude current post

I am using this code in my functions as I am trying to exclude the current post from the grid plugin.

function current_post_tgfilter($args) {
  $args['post__not_in'] = array (get_the_ID());

  return $args;

add_filter('tg_wp_query_args', 'current_post_tgfilter', 10, 2);

However, this doesn’t work as expected. Am I doing something wrong here?

many thanks,

Hi Andrew,

Thanks for writing in! Could you also please try the following code ( and see if that helps.

Make sure that you have setup your child theme correctly ( and also make sure that you have activated your child theme from Appearance -> Themes section.

If you’re using a caching plugin, you will need to purge server cache as well as browser cache before testing (

Let us know how it goes.

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