The Grid cutting images short in Chrome

Good morning,

This issue seems to have appeared very recently and has effected two of my sites that are not related at all, on different servers etc. One uses Pro, one uses X.

I have the latest Wordpress, X theme / Cornerstone and The Grid (Version 2.7.3) and have deactivated all the plugins one by one and cleared my cache. Whats odd is it seems to only effect Chrome - tried safari, firefox and my iPhone and they are fine. I have got someone else to test with the same results.

Now the issue:

I have grids that display images. On Chrome it now cuts a few of them short at random:

but as you start to make the screen more narrow it updates and looks fine:

make the screen large again and the error is back. However if you look at the page in the ‘theme options’ it is fine. If you go into the Grid area and preview what is made, again is fine.

I have set up a little test area for you to see - a empty page with just a example grid in. The error is still present but nothing on the page that could possibly case the error

Will send the details on a secure note - look forward to your help!

Thank you,

Hey Jason,

I checked the test page in all screen sizes and I don’t see anything cutting. I’m using the latest Chrome and Windows 10 version. What Chrome version are you using and in what OS and also OS version?


Good morning and thank you for your reply,

since speaking I updated my chrome (Version 77.0.3865.75 (Official Build) (64-bit) on my Mac iOS version 10.14.5), cleared the cache once again and it looks like the problem is solved. I guess The Grid needed the updated but my browser was still caching the error.

Thank you for your time, I will keep my eye on it and let you know if anything changes


You’re most welcome Jason!

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