Template overwrite content

In the older version of X when you loaded a page template it would overwrite your content with the template. Now if you add a template it just adds the template contents to the already existing content.

With the new version of X is there anyway to have it overwrite the content again, rather then just add to the content?

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+1 to this! I frequently make edits to layouts on our staging site with 30 or more sections, then copy them to our live site using templates. Now I first have to delete the existing 30 sections manually instead of just overwriting the page? That’s a pretty major process change, ThemeCo!

Hi @Daer and @edcContentHub,

Thanks for writing in.

We certainly appreciate the feedback! This is something we can add to our list of feature requests. This way it can be taken into consideration for future development. All of these items are discussed with our team internally and prioritized based on the amount of interest a particular feature might receive.


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