Tabs Error

Hi, I’m having a problem when clicking on the tabs on our homepage, it seems to move to the bottom of the page everytime I click on a tab. Please see Website Removed “Under Features” I’m unsure why it’s doing this?

Hi There,

I would like to check your website but it’s under construction mode.

Would you mind temporarily turning it off so we can take a closer look?

Thank you.

I will send you the password now

Hi There,

Upon testing, I see autoptimize caching related errors on the console log. Could you please try purging it’s cache and then disable it temporarily and test your page gain.

Also if you’re using any other caching plugins, make sure to purge your server cache and disable any CSS and JavaScript minifications and test your issue.

Let us know how it goes.

Ive set WP_DEBUG to true and can see a few errors, I have no clue on what to do here though.
Also not sure on how to purge server cache and disable any CSS and JavaScript minifications

Hi There,

Please try adding the following code under X > Theme Options > JS:

jQuery(function($) {
	$('.vc_tta-tab a').off('click touchend touchstart');

Hope it helps :slight_smile:

Hi Again,

Im having a load of problems now on every page.

Can someone login and try and sort this please.


Would you mind providing us with login credentials so we can take a closer look? Please provide following information:

Set it as Secure Note

  • Link to your site
  • WordPress Admin username / password

All the best!

Thanks here is the information.

Hey @RAWdesigns1,

I have replicated the issue in my test site so I’ll report this as bug. For now, I’d recommend that you replace the Visual Composer’s Tab with the X Integrated Tab Element.

When I first checked your site, there was a fatal error which was caused by this.

I corrected that issue to access your site.


Ok thats cool thank you, im still seeing a load of errors [vc_column_text] on the page yacht titania ?

How dose this work ?

Hey @RAWdesigns1,

It looks like you have disabled X Integration in the past and used Visual Composer’s Text Block.

Then later, you enabled X Integration again.

That is the only way I replicated this issue in my test site.

The solution for this would be to switch to the Classic Mode.

Then, manually remove the VC shortcodes that are showing up in the front-end. Update the page and then switch back to the backend editor.

Visual Composer is used differently in X. Please see this article for more information.

Also, please don’t bump your thread because that will move it further down the queue because we answer threads from oldest to newest. Updating your thread will push it to the new threads. Please wait for our response to avoid delays.


The last post was about the “Tabs” for a reply to @christian_y nothing to do with the problem im having with the code.
He has not replied as yet. How do I use the tabs.

I found a fix for the tabs >>>

To stop the jumps, just add the following jQuery script in your Customizer via Appearance > Customize > Custom > Edit Global Javascript

jQuery( function($) {
$(’.vc_tta-tab a’).on(‘click’, function( e ){
setTimeout( function() {
$(‘html, body’).stop().stop();
}, 100 );
$(document).ready(function() {
$(’.vc_tta.vc_general .vc_tta-panel-title > a, .vc_tta.vc_general .vc_tta-panel-title > a, .vc_tta-tab a’).off(‘click touchstart touchend’);


Hey There @RAWdesigns1,

We are just glad that you have figured it out a way to correct the said issue.
Thanks for letting us know!

Best Regards.

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Hey @RAWdesigns1,

I see that there is a Javascript error coming from a third party gallery plugin which could stop the Javascript fix you have posted from working.

I see 2 gallery plugins in your site though so I’m hesitant to deactivate to test moreover that it would interrupt your site’s operation. Would you mind deactivating the said plugin in the screenshot to test if it is conflicting?

jQuery errors could also result from corrupted WordPress install which could result from updates. Please try re-install WordPress by going to Dashboard > Updates and clicking the Re-install Now button.
