Sticky Headers for Desktop and Mobile not playing nicely

I have a sticky header for desktop (6em height with logo and nav) and then I have that disappear and put in a different sticky header for mobile (60px and logo). Nothing fancy about either.

If I’m on mobile, the mobile header is placed at the top of the page… until I scroll down. At that point, the header jumps down the page and appears to stick to the bottom of the invisible desktop header and stays stuck there as I scroll down the page.

Hi There,

Could you please provide us with your website URL so we can take a closer look?


Login details in secure note. Thx

This is a known issue. For now, you can give an ID to your mobile header then give it a top position property of 0.

Tested that on my end and it works.

An official solution to this might be available soon. Please stay tuned.


Thanks… any suggestions for preventing the header from disappearing when you first scroll down (it does come back and stick). My client will definitely hate it. :slight_smile:


Try to change the css code to this.

#custom-header-mobile {
    position:fixed !important;
    top:0 !important;

Hope that helps

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