Stepped Root Font Size Bug?

Hey guys,

I am a little confused by the third image @jumar provided in the last post of this thread. There, he illustrates that the font size steps should correspond to the breakpoints in the preview sizer. For me, they don’t.

To test this, I set the stepped root font sizes in the theme options as follows:

5px for XS
100px for SM
5px for MD
100px for LG
5px for XL

Now, using the preview sizer I can see a very small font size for 1200px & Up (XL) and a very large font for 980px-1199px (LG) as expected. However, for 768px-979px (MD) it shows me a very large font (it should only be 5px), for 481px-767px (SM) a very small font (it should be large), and for 480px & Smaller (XS) a very large font again (it should be small).

So, basically what I’m saying is that the 3 lowest steps don’t correspond to their respective breakpoints. Is this a bug?

Hello @zedinho,

Thanks for asking. :slight_smile:

I have tested the font settings in my local Pro Theme setup and it seems to be working fine. Can you please let us know the element you are looking? There might be a case of font size getting overridden. Please share website URL for us to take a closer look.

That being said, please make sure that you are using the latest version of Pro Theme 2.2.5. To update Pro, you can take a look at following tutorial:


Hmmm, that’s weird. I was looking at normal text within a text element.

No can do as I’m developing locally. But here’s a screenshot to illustrate:

Hello There,

Thanks for updating in and for showing the screenshot. Please be advised that the Typography setting in the theme options will be applied globally. If you are using headline or text element, it will not follow the global settings because the headline and text element has its own settings including the font settings as shown below:

Hope this helps.

No, that’s not it. The text size there is set to with EMs.

To prove it, I created a new test page in WordPress and just added a line of text (no editing in Pro). I still encounter the same “bug” as this really short video shows:

Hello There,

Thanks for providing the video. The scaling will automatically display the result in the preview already because the scaling is triggered with a JS script. If you select stepped, it will not show in the preview. You will have to check it in the live view of the page.

Hope this helps.

Honestly, I have no idea what you’re trying to say exactly, but you’re right: In the live view everything is correct and the defined root font sizes match their respective breakpoints. That said, it’s confusing and unfortunate that it doesn’t show correctly in the preview. Thanks.

Hey There,

I will inform our developers about this issue.
Once they find a fix, it will be updated and rolled out in the next release update cycle.

Thanks for you understanding.

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