Social Icons Quality Reduced or Disappeared?

For some reason my social icons at the very top left of my site have become very poor quality.

This is in Safari. In Firefox and Chrome they are not really displaying at all.

I recently updated Cornerstone and X Theme so it is not to do with that but I unsure as to why this has happened?

Thanks for any help

Hi There @russell3

Thanks for writing in! Upon checking your site, I see that your X theme is not fully updated. There is a social icons related changes and bug fixes with the latest release, so you need to update to the latest version. You can read more information from here ( and update accordingly (

Make sure to purge your server cache and clear your browser cache before testing.

In case if you have extended or customized those social icons using a child theme, you will need to check all files in your child theme and replace data-x-icon with data-x-icon-b to make your social icons load again.

Let us know how it goes.


I have updated to the latest version of X but the problem is still persisting. I also emptied the cache after updating but it is still displaying incorrectly.


I also changed the data-x-icon fields in my child theme functions.php to data-x-icon-b but this did not help either?

Hi @russell3,

The temporary workaround for now is overriding the styling. Please add this CSS to your child theme’s style.css

    .x-icon-youtube-square:before {
     content: '\f431' !important; 
    .x-icon-rss-square:before {
     content: '\f143' !important;
     font-family: "FontAwesome" !important;
[data-x-icon-b]:before {
    font-weight: 300 !important;

This should display the missing two icons. And the last one should reduce its thickness a bit for quality.


OK that’s great. However I removed the code from the Child Theme functions.php file (as I had altered it to display the icons in a different order) and added:

[data-x-icon], [class*=“x-icon-”] {
font-weight: 400 !important;

to the global.css

I found that on another thread. I would still like to have the LinkedIn logo first, then Twitter but as this seems to be looking how I want it to I can live with it.

Thanks again

You’re welcome.

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