Social icons in footer have gone after update


After the latest update to X, social icons in the footer of a client’s site disappeared. I reverted to the last issue of X and they came back. The site in question is After reading this thread:, I believe that I am having the same issue. The icons on both sites are referencing similar icon classes (e.g. “x-icon-linkedin-square”).

I did purge the cache, and the issue is still occurring.

Can you please confirm if this is indeed a recurring, known issue and the steps I can take to solve it? I don’t want to apply the update again until I have a fix in hand.


Hi Eric,

If you’ve cleared your cache and you’re still seeing this problem it could be because the icons have been customized with a child theme. If that’s the case you’ll need to replace data-x-icon with data-x-icon-b to make your social icons load again.

Take a look at this thread for an example:

Hi @alexander,

The icons have not been customized in the child functions.php file. Rather, there’s a block of code in a footer widget (shown in the note below). Unfortunately, “data-x-icon” doesn’t appear there. Where can I find the bit of code that contains “data-x-icon” to modify it please?


Hi Eric,

Thanks for adding the login info and clarifying on where the icons are stored. Based on that code you shared it looks like the markup should output correctly which makes me think it would still be a caching issue. I would like to double check though logged into the site.

I tried logging in but I’m getting “invalid password”. Would you mind double checking this? Thanks!

Hi Alexander,

I’ve confirmed that the password matches the one I provided in the secure note in the secure note above. I’ve tested the login and it works for me.


I have the same issue, following the thread for solution. The problem is this new font awesome update.

Hi There,

Could you please try following this solution and see if that helps (


I see on that page ( that new versions of X and Cornerstone, containing a patch for this issue have been released. I updated both X and Cornerstone, and the issue is resolved.


Hi again,

Yes that’s correct above was just a temporary solution, a fix has been released to address the issue. We’re glad the issue is resolved now.


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