Slowly fading in and out text elements

Hello there,

I would like to make a page, which should flow a bit like a very basic comic book: my idea would be an image appears and immediately thereafter some text slowly, words for words, appears on over the image itself, then when this is over, under it on the other side (like to give some times the impression of a dialog), another image appears with a different slowly fading-in text. I know I could do this through multiple slides, each for every piece of dialog… but I believe that is not the most efficient way, is it? If not, how could I better do it?

Thanks in advance

Hello @alberto_me,

Thanks for asking. :slight_smile:

I suggest you to take a look at some bundled slider plugins as the kind of effect and layout you are looking for, slider would a good choice. I suggest you to take a look at Revolution Slider plugin that comes bundled with Pro Theme. You can install Revolution Slider from X > Validation > Extensions.

To get started with revolution slider, please take a look at following resource.


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