Slow unresponsive Cornerstone & script error messages


I am losing confidence in X as it seems to be very buggy since the recent updates. I have no idea what ‘Pro’ is but my issue is around the laggy nature of Cornerstone.

I create a new section and add a video to the background (YouTube) I then save it… when I view the page it does not show the video as a background. When I return to the page to edit it I see the section is no longer listed. Occasionally I get a message in the top corner that said Cornerstone took too lon g to load and there may be script errors. I thought the whole point of cornerstone was that we didnt need to script.

Please could you log into my site and try and add a new section with a video behind it. The site is not promoted so dont worry about audince seeing any tests. Then you will see the problems I’m having. PW below…


Hi there,

The warning message wich you see on Cornerstone shows that there is a conflict of some nature preventing correct work of the builder. Please kindly consider that this is happening for your environment and we need to find the reason causing this.

Would you please kindly also give us the URL of your website which we can use to log in on to your dashboard? Currently, we have only User/Pass in the Secure Note.

To help you with possible common reasons please kindly check these probable causes:

  1. Check for 3rd party plugin conflicts. Turn off all 3rd party plugins except Cornerstone and see if it fixes the issue.

  2. Make sure you are using X version 5.1 and Cornerstone version 2.0.5

  3. Make sure that there is no Cache plugin. If so first clear the cache and then deactivate them.

  4. Make sure you do not use services such as CloudFlare or any service that minifies content. Our theme already does that and if you do not set proper settings on those services it may have the double minifying effect which may cause the script error you mentioned.

  5. Make sure that you have enough PHP memory limit on your hosting service provider. For more information:

  1. Please kindly contact your hosting service provider and ask them to turn off the ModeSecurity completely as a temporary solution and see if it fixes the problem. If yes then they should go over each ModeSecurity Rule to find the one causing the problem. Here is a good article regarding that:

Sorry for the number of the solutions, but those are the ones which are usually the problem cause and it will be helpful if you follow up the solutions which we gave and get back to us with the results before giving us the URL of your website.

Thank you.

Thank you!

This does appear to be a ‘modsecurity’ issue. They can’t turn it off entirely but they are looking into why I cant save any pages anymore and are going backward and forwards to fix the problem.


Glad that you pinpointed the error. Thank you.


I am extremely unhappy. My web-space provider had to escalate a request to change some mod security settings and it took 3 days. I went back to try and make simple pages and it is still very very buggy creating multiple sections, not saving them properly. I get the ‘leave the page’ option after saving every time. So I uninstalled it, downloaded X again, reinstalled and now I’m back to having mod security problems. Changes are not showing up.

I think cornerstone is just not for me - its extremely buggy since the update and does not do what it is supposed to do. I paid a lot of money buying 3 licenses and I’m just disappointed that its such a failure. Please can I have a refund of my money for 1 license and I’ll switch to a theme that works?

Here is a link demonstrating how buggy it is - see the column on the left.

I will again post access details (below) if you want to potter about seeing how poor it is.


Hi Craig,

Cornerstone makes use of some native WordPress libraries like TinyMCE. It looks like those WordPress files have gone missing, hence the 404 errors.

I would suggest asking your host why these two files are not loading:

They may not exist at all, or are being blocked by other security rules. Because it’s showing the WordPress 404 template, and other wp-include files are loading, I suspect these required files have just been deleted somehow, or went missing during a migration.

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